Course Syllabus


Images Midsummer .jpg

M/TH 1:10-3:50 PM                                                                      Design Classroom #181 ‘62 CTD

Lecturer: Deborah Brothers                                                           Office: Room #179 ‘62 CTD

Office phone (413) 597-2298                                              

Office Hours M & TH 10:00-12:00 /or by appointment


This introductory course is an intensive study of the art of costume design. The course focuses on the designer’s process, which entails in part: script analysis, collaboration, research, color theory, basic design principles, rendering techniques, fabric research, organizational skills, draping techniques, and presentation of designs.

Costume designers are always aware of the world around them. They look, listen, reflect, and record. They use inspiration, research, imagination, and innovation for their creations. They simultaneously observe the smallest detail with the larger world-picture for the pieces they design.

 Evaluation will be based on multiple design assignments including a detailed final design project. There will be also be costume labs and workshops, image and research files, costume sketchbook, short papers, committed participation, and attendance. Students are required to attend two productions during the semester and reflect upon what they experience. Students will always be expected to partake in intelligent critiques of fellow classmates’ design work as well as reflecting on their own presentations. 

Prerequisite: successful completion of any 200-level course in any of the fine or performing arts or permission of the instructor.



EURYDICE by Sarah Ruehl

FOOL FOR LOVE by Sam Shepard

HAGOROMO by Anonymous

TARTUFFE by Moliere translation by Richard Wilbur

COSTUME AND MAKEUP by Michael Holt-Series Editor: David Mayer

CUT MY COTE by Dorothy K. Burnham (hand out)



An assembled packet will be available and charged to your term bill. Average Cost $100.00.

A supplementary reading package will also be available.


REQUIRED PERFORMANCES: You are required to attend two performances during the semester from the Theatre Department and the Centerseries offerings. Tickets will be complimentary for these productions but must be arranged through your instructor. You can choose two selections of the three offerings for the fall semester.

ANTIGONE IN FERGERSON* Centerseries production September 30 MST @ 8pm

MORPHED * Tero Saarinen Dance Centerseries production October 13 MST @ 8pm

THE WOLVES Theatre department production Nov 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18 CST @ 7:30pm

You must attend two of these performances- only THE WOLVES has multiple dates- You must see either *ANTIGONE IN FERGERSON or *MORPHED- each of these only have one date.


HONOR CODE: The Williams' honor code is in effect for this course. Collaboration is allowed on certain projects- these will be identified when the collaboration is assigned. Then you must cite where the ideas originated, and credit the proportion that each participant contributes. You must cite information with all materials turned in for evaluation. Researched materials include any image or idea taken from books, periodicals, and the Internet. All of these sources must be cited in a bibliography list. If you have any questions concerning the collaborative process and researching for this course and how that affects the honor code, please speak with me. One absence is allowed for the entire semester, your grade will be affected for all additional absences. Classes will begin promptly at the posted time.



Final Design Project 30%

Mid Term Project 25%

Costume Sketchbook (assignments, image morgue, still life sketches) 25%

Performance responses (2 total/ 5% each) 10%

Participation 10%


Course Summary:

Date Details Due